Police have held three suspects, two Jamaat leaders and a BNP activist, over the murder of Hindu tailor at Dubail Bazaar under the district`s Gopalpur upazila. The detainees were identified as Maulana Aminul Islam, Jamaat leader and principal of Alamnagar Madrasah of the area, Badsha, secretary of Gopalupur Upazila Jamaat Unit, and BNP activist Jhantu Mia. Gopalpur Police nabbed them from the district`s Madhupur upazila on Sunday, confirmed Aslam Khan, Tangail (North) Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP). Earlier, Aratai Joardar, wife of slain Nikhil Joardar, lodged a case with Gopalpur Police Station against three unknown people in this connection on Satruday night. However, police also filed another law suit under Arms Act over the incident. Of the detainees, Aminul Islam was the complaint of the case filed against slain Nikhil in 2012 for his alleged derogatory comment about prophet Mohammad (PUBH). In reply to a query over IS claiming of the murder...